Phenexplain Demonstration
This website illustrates the paper:
Revealing invisible cell phenotypes with conditional generative modeling
Alexis Lamiable, Tiphaine Champetier, Francesco Leonardi, Ethan Cohen, Peter Sommer, David Hardy, Nicolas Argy, Achille Massougbodji, Elaine Del Nery, Gilles Cottrell, Yong-Jun Kwon, Auguste Genovesio
Examples of latent traversal for all datasets presented in the paper's figures can be explored interractively.
Warning: NONE of the images presented on this website are real. Samples of real images for all the datasets used to train conditional GAN can be seen in the Supplementary figures of the paper.
This website uses the FabricJS and the js-untar Javascript libraries, and the Bulma CSS framework with the bulma-slider and bulma-accordion extensions. Pages were generated using python and the mako library.